8 psychological tricks to sell more

8 Psychological Tricks To Sell More (Infographic)


1. Mirroring Effect

A proven sales trick used by professionals to make the prospect think that you’re like-minded.

Use it to turn sales objections into scripts that sell (link)

2. Power Words

People make a huge mistake when it comes to emotional marketing. Not the same power words work for every situation.

Get Power Words to use in different situations to sell more (link)

3. Right Social Proof

Nobody gives a shit about you being an expert if you’re telling it yourself.

This is where meaningful personal testimonials help you.

Get 10 Psychological Testimonial Templates that sell (link)

4. The Echo Effect

This famous trick involved picking up analogies, phrases, metaphors used by prospects to progress them towards a sale.

Learn Echoing in 5 Minutes (link)

5. Differentiate

Don’t compare yourself to your competitors or the company your prospect is working with.

Learn to use the Differentiation Technique to bring clients to you (link)

6. Make Empathy Map

An Empathy Map helps you get inside your prospect’s head & is used by great salesmen.

Learn to create Empathy Map to sell without embarrassing yourself (link)

7. Reduce Analysis

The more prospects think, the more they talk themselves out of the sale.

This is called “The Paradox of Choice”.

Learn how to avoid it when selling (link)

8. Question Closing

You should never push the prospect to buy from you directly.

Right questions help you effortlessly pull the person toward the purchase.

Get 50 Proven Question Templates that sell (link)