8 strategies to grow your startup in 2022

8 Strategies To Grow Your Startup in 2022 (Infographic)

8 strategies to grow startup in 2022
automation tools for small business
squeeze pages for small business
unique selling point for small business
how to run business without money
how to create a passive business
how to create irresistible offers
how to sell with content
how to set profit margins in business


Most startups see little to no growth because they focus on the wrong things & stay still.

You need to be super aggressive to compete with the Goliaths of your industry.

1. Automation Tools

Don’t hire people for it if it can be automated at a lesser cost or for free.

Automation is more efficient, error-free & is more profitable.

Get 9 Business Automation Tools for Small Business (link)

2. Squeeze Pages

You need contact details or leads. This is what businesses survive on.

A Squeeze Page has only one motive. Getting prospect’s information.

30 Squeeze Page Templates & Examples for you (link)

3. Point Of Difference

You cannot compete with industry giants on their strengths. You need something which you’re strong at.

That is your Unique Selling Point (USP). Easily create your USP (link)

4. Cash Survival

Having little or no cash doesn’t mean you can’t grow a business.

You need a certain level of profitability before you actually start investing.

Learn to grow your business with no money (link)

5. Passive Products

If you (the owner) is trading your time for money, you won’t be able to scale your business.

Because you only have 24 hrs. Learn to make Passive Products (link)

6. Offer Line-Ups

Yes, you should have a target market.

But offer line-up helps you sell to a bigger chunk of that target market.

Learn to create offer line-ups people can’t say no to (link)

7. Content Won’t Sell

Your content needs to align with your sales funnel to benefit your business.

Otherwise, you’re bringing value to people but getting nothing in return.

Learn to Create Content that Sells (link)

8. Right Profit Margins

“I’ll charge less,” says every new startup owner.

The truth is you cannot scale a business with low margins over the long term.

Learn to decide the Right Margins (link)