quora vs medium which is a better blogging platform

Quora vs Medium: Which is a better blogging platform?

Quora and Medium both have one thing in common: they are driven by content creation. Each of these platforms has enough content that discusses various issues and matters.

Yet, the question still lingers. Quora or Medium: which is better for blogging? Either both platforms offer users the opportunity to share thoughts, opinions, and experiences. So which is better?

Let us highlight why each of the platforms might be good for blogging and its pros and cons concerning user experience and blogging.

Why choose Quora for blogging?

Quora is a place to gain and share knowledge. This platform is a question and answer site where people ask questions and interact with people who will give them unique, insightful, and quality answers, enabling knowledge to be passed.

For one thing, Quora is not the leading blogging site, but it may offer blogging services. Questions asked in Quora are answered in short, concise articles that are easy and informative to read. It empowers people to learn from each other and to understand the world better.

Quora can also be a good platform for aspiring writers. Writers can follow up on a topic or a question and write out good points in an article.

Since a wide range of people views Quora’s posts, it will enable you to get interactions from these and improve your writing.

quora pros and cons for blogging

Pros of blogging using Quora

  • Quora answers are short and concise, unlike the long bulky articles in Medium. You can get many answers to just one question. Each of these answers can be expert view or experience-driven. Whatever case it may be, it is enough content you can read quickly.
  •  Quora has a fantastic community of people that will support you even though they may not know you. No matter the question asked, as long as they in a known way, violate any rules, Quora has a community of people willing to assist you by answering the question. You can get first-hand experience and expert advice from a wide range of people.
  •  Quora mainly has articles that come in the form of questions and answers. So if you have writer’s block and you can’t seem to find content to write on, questions asked on quora can be an excellent feed for your creative writing.
  • You can ask any appropriate question on Quora and get logical responses from people. Many users are intelligent and well versed in this matter. So you are assured of expert answers to your questions.

Cons of blogging using Quora

  • Quora isn’t the place to make blogs. It has a defined structure already in place, which includes asking questions and getting their answers. You can also find questions and answer them. We can also say that it is a guest blogging website that allows questions and answers by users to create content and share knowledge. Hence, it is not a blog, after all.
  • Quora can be a place for trolling. Lately, Quora is turning into a mini geek Facebook. Various opinions can lead to unnecessary arguments among people who don’t even know each other.
  • The banning system in Quora is slowly becoming a menace. Even popular users are banned for just anything as long as it close to a violation of a rule.

But then, what of Medium?

Why should you choose Medium for blogging?

Medium is a blogging platform that allows you to read, write, and interact with stories that matter most to you. It is just like a WordPress blog, but this time around, it is open for everyone to participate.

Instead of creating your blog, building an audience, and keeping the site working, you can use Medium to do all of that.

Not only does the blog looks great, but you also have a vast audience or community waiting for your content. You do not have to pay to enter, yet you can be paid through it by a program known as ‘Medium partner program.’

Writing in Medium is a great idea. People call it the best writing starter for beginners, but it doesn’t matter how experienced or skilled your writing is to join Medium.

Medium is also a great way to test whether you will have the energy to maintain a blog.

medium pros and cons for blogging

Pros of blogging using Medium

  •  Medium has intelligent writers that discuss essential matters. Writers in Medium are merely intelligent and qualified writers; some write for brands and companies while others are personal freelance writer or blogger. Unlike Quora, where anyone can ask questions and get an answer, writers in Medium take writing as a serious business.
  •  Medium can pay it, users through a program known as ‘Medium partner program.’ Yes, you can get paid using Medium. Some writers earn up to or more than $10,000 in a month through Medium. It’s possible as long as their posts get enough interactions and views.
  • Medium AI system is more efficient than that of Quora’s thereby, and there is more optimization of feeds when using it. It also has a beautiful UX that enables writing to be an extremely intuitive and clean one without any ad pop-ups or issues. Fonts are appealing to the audience.
  • Medium doesn’t rely on random questions that require an answer from a user. Users can decide to participate in a post if they wish to do so.
  • Post made on Medium can be shared. It allows writers to share their articles on social media platforms, which makes it a blogging site.

Cons of blogging using Medium

  • It is tough to get popular in Medium. You can go years without having a single follower, which is different from Quora.
  • When you visit Medium, you write. You do not have the opportunity to create content based on what people ask, unlike Quora. So in cases of writer’s block or other reasons, you may hardly use Medium for a while if you have nothing to write.
  • Articles in Medium can be so large, lengthy, and bulky to read. Except you love to sit down, take your time, and read through. If not, this is a significant challenge for many.
  • Selective bias can also be a problem. It seems to be that Medium focuses more on editorial type of posts than an average blogger article. It can seem not very safe and turn off sometimes to bloggers.

So which is better for blogging? (Quora or Medium)

In conclusion, which would you say is better? Your answer, though, depends on what you like. After all, both platforms are different in their way and functions, although both platforms serve to relay information and pass knowledge.

Quora is more or less like a practicing blogging site where you can write essays based on questions and practice your writing and critical thinking. In contrast, Medium is a place where you can go when you are ready for an audience of readers.

In Medium, writers share their thoughts and experiences. While in Quora, knowledge, and experiences are shared using a question and answer means. So which is better?

If you like to read long, bulky articles about empowering or random topics, you will love Medium.

But if you prefer short answers with concise information. Then you will choose Quora.

You want to learn how to manage a blog by writing and reaching audiences? Medium might be your choice.

If you are content-driven and you need enough information and content for your blogging. Then you may choose Quora.

Both of these platforms have a crucial role in enabling better blogging, but I choose Medium for me over Quora.

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